Saturday, November 3, 2007

Varkala magic

Oh lush lush lush. After 3 days on the train, this place was totally worth it.

We arrived in Trivandrum last night about 3 hours late at 2.30am and fortunately had made a booking at quite a nice hotel. Or at least we THOUGHT it was nice til we went to bed and I found a cockroach IN MY DAMN BED!!! YUCK! Needless to say, a night of pretty sleepless tossing and turning followed. But fortunately a TV with my favourite stations (ie. National Geographic and Discovery) was to the rescue.

Today, after getting up late, we decided to head straight to Varkala. It is a cliff top village in the state of Kerala in the very south of India (which means longer days, cheaper beers and an amazing sunset). We've just watched the most incredible sunset of our trip so far - breathtaking. I would upload photos but once again I'm being thwarted.

Ma, I tried to call you today but I figure you're still travelling. Hope you're having a ball.

Had a really really good day today. Staying in a place called Kerala Bamboo House which is really amazing - for $20 we get a beach hut with an open air bathroom, a lovely fast fan, a mossie net and a lovely ambience for the night. We may stay for a while!~

Anyway, the three day train trip wasn't nearly as bad as expected. Air conditioned and food being sold to us all day long. Lovely!

Photos soon. I swear!

Love Kx

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