Wednesday, November 28, 2007


OK I know it's very sad that we've just arrived in Bangkok and have come straight to an internet cafe to check our emails. There's a good reason though - I have visa issues for the UK and we're finally getting them sorted.

Initial impressions:

1. Organised - our cab was pre-booked and took us straight to our hotel even though there were not that many shared words of English and/or Thai. Nice bloke though.
2. Clean. After India, even the local landfill will look sanitary but this place is CLEAN. Like eat your dinner off the ground. Maybe I'm just still in India mode but I'm sure it's the cleanest place I've ever seen.
3. Happy. Everyone is STOKED to see us. And I mean ecstatic. And when you say thank you in Thai - the word 'beaming' doesn't begin to describe the smiles! Love it!
4. Smells heavenly - outside our hotel is a food stall selling noodles the likes of which occurs everywhere in this wonderful kingdom. Can't wait to have some for breakky!
5. Cheap. Hotel for $12 in the middle of town. Awesome.

So initial impressions are great. I already feel an affinity for this place but I think it's because I was getting a bit sick of india. And the fact that we had leering drunk Indian men on the plane, exactly the type that I'd tried to avoid for 9 weeks, made me even more happy to get here.

Loving it.

Loving you all.


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