Well. It's us (Tom the lazy non-blogger as well). We have exciting news. As you all know, we're engaged. And being engaged means at some stage, you get married. We'd always thought it would be 2009, however, the UK government are insisting that we get hitched within 6 months of us landing in England, so that I can become a citizen as Tom's wife.
So. June/July 2008 in England somewhere we will tie the knot, followed by an Aussie wedding soon thereafter (soon as possible depending on our financial situation - weddings are not cheap!)
However, everyone is invited to both weddings and if anyone in Oz wants to come over, start saving!
Bit of a bombshell, we know, but we really hope you can all make it to one or both. Lucky us - we get to have 2 weddings!
Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas. Love to you all.
PS - I'll be wearing more clothes than this.... Tom probably wont!
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