Hi guys!
It's me the silent non-blogger from the Tom and Karen team here!
A few people have recently said "when the hell are you going to do a post yourself, you lazy bastard", so here it is...
Right, so we're now in Bangkok and have just returned from a week of beaching it up on Ko Chang. For those of you who haven't been there GO RIGHT NOW! That is one amazing place. Ko Chang is a small island south-east of Bangkok by about 5.5 hours and lies in the gulf of Thailand. It has water that is a lovely light blue and really clear, with white sand etc. you know freakin' beautiful... There's a picture Karen took out of our window on here that shows how close we were to the beach!
We're going to be in Bangkok till Monday (to collect Karen's visa- very exciting), then heading south to Ko Pan ngan for more beaches and beer. Then after a couple of weeks of that we're heading north through Thailand to Vientiane, Loas (where we'll spend Christmas). From there the current plan is to go north to Luang Prabang, then east towards Vietnam and then south ending up in Ho Chi Minh city (formerly Saigon) and from there we'll fly back to the UK in Feb'.
Phew! All that guff now written, I can tell you that we're a little bit homesick (no damn white Christmas in Asia, at least not where we are), but still loving it! Thailand is absolutely amazing and we're really looking forward to seeing more of it! After India it seems like a country of much money and is a real culture shock, but great!
So there you go, finally a second blog from this half of the wondaring pair. Hope you are all very good and I'll try not to let another 47 years alapse before my next blog. Loads of love,
P.s. My hair is now really long (hasn't been cut since before we left Oz!).
nice to hear you are LOVIN it thai style. thinkin of you guys a lot and SO wish i was there.Lap it up....... Its so good.
Nice talking to ya the other night.
Keep it up. and the south is nice too.
love yas. kris
Tom, I love your curls!
So happy you are both enjoying yourselves. Kris is very jealous of you both being in Thailand.
Whenever I think of you being in Thailand now I will remember Kris ringing you from a "dodgy" Thai restaurant in Kowloon.
Don't forget to look for the tree on the beach!!!!
Love to you both, Marie
I am soooo envious of you two and man do we miss you alot!! Stoked you are having an awesome time!!
Love ya's
PS. By the way you two look HOT!!!
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