Just had a lovely evening looking through hundreds of photos of Tom's family. It's so wonderful - Sandy has a HUGE box of photos - all scrambled and "i don't know what we're going to get next!" so it's been a lovely evening.
I've hopefuly uploaded some photos of the photos here (hard to check til posted)... there's probably not too much clarity but you can see pics of Tom when he was a baby. Apparently he was bald until he was 5 years old!
A great story of Tom when he was small is that he lived on a farm with his parents and hardly ever wore any clothes (Ambie, i think you can identify...) Once, in winter, a group of wealthy people came to the farm to buy some free range eggs and noticed that Tom (that poor child!) was naked but for his boots. An hour later or so they came back to the farm with some clothes to give to his parents, assuming they were too poor to clothe the little boy. Johnny, Tom's dad, spoke to the people and apparently said "If you can get the little bugger to wear them, be my guest!"
Poor little naked Tom.
He's got another good story from when he was tiny. When he was about 2 years old (and running around naked again), his uncle and his father were having a drink and chilling out. TOm ran up to his dad and took his finger (tiny baby hands barely reaching around Johnny's finger) and proceded to scratch his bum with it. Dad noticed what he was doing and said "Ergh, use your own finger". ha ha. Naughty Tom!
What a lovely day.
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