Hi all
My dad asked me to send a photo of what Greenacres looks like - the house that Tom grew up in. Here it is. This is the veiw into the kitchen area - it looks like a really small cottage but it's a three bed house with attic space and a kitchen, dining room and tv room below with a bathroom also. The bit on the left of the pic is the "new" bit - Tom's mum built onto it as soon as they bought it (12 years ago) - you can see the different material that it's made from. The older bit is made from granite stone which has been rendered - the walls are 2 feet thick!
Went for a walk by myself up to the Malvern Hills today and had a great walk imagining all the wonderful things coming in the next few months. The wind was blowing my hair around my face, the buzzards were riding the thermals and the view was magnificent. This land is not too different from the area i grew up in, at Newrybar. Rather that bandicoots though, they have badgers. Rather than magpies, it's buzzards. Rather than cane fields, it's corn. But it looks similar. It made me think of my upbringing and how much i enjoyed it. And how wonderfully blessed i've been to have no sadness or tragedy in my life. I must have done something right in my last life.
I've spent a lovely afternoon learning a new skill - i am now a silversmith. Tom's mum makes jewellery, and helped Tom and I make some rings to wear whilst we are in India and SE Asia. Unfortunately given the expense, time, effort and heart and soul Tom poured into making my engagement ring, we have to leave it here so that it doesn't get pilfered by some starving Indian child (god forbid!) So we've spent a lovely afternoon making rings for each other (I decided tom needs one too - the poor fella's always miss out on the engagement ring part!) It's lovely.... will attempt to upload a pic but can't promise anything.
Hope you're all loving life....
The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.
~~~~Elbert Hubbard
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