Well, again it's been a while since i've updated the website but i'll try to be better. Stable Cottage is the name of the new house - it's absolutely lovely and so nice to come home to.
Home. Such a strange concept for Tom and I. Since we've met, we've commuted between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast, lived together but with Foo and renovated a house, travelled to India, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam, lived with his parents, got married, honeymooned in Turkey, lived with Foo and Sharna, got married again, honeymooned in Rarotonga and the US, lived with Sandy and Francis, lived in a tiny studio and lived with his parents again. It's nice to have a home.
We loved opening boxes, revealing treasures from our travels and lovingly placing them in their new spots in our new house. I loved visiting the auction house, and blindly bidding on a £2 lot and finding that i'd bought two lovely tables for our new spot. I loved going to the flea fair yesterday and impulsively buying a chair which has proven to be the most comfortable chair IN THE WORLD. Probably because it's 40 years old and pretty ugly. But really comfy.
I'm loving coming home. Every time i step into the front door, I'm pleased all over again. I love it, and i love more than anything just being here with my husband. In our home.
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