Monday, June 22, 2009

A Shout Out.... David Cole, who (amazingly) commented on my last post after an absence of so many months. Thank you David for keeping an eye on it! I'm flattered! And I hope you and Ruth will make one when you're travelling - I promise I'll be watching! (And to answer your question, we're still not sure. Can i get back to you?)

I just thought I'd write a list of all the websites I follow, just because it's interesting to know what people look at every couple of days. - I've been reading this for going on 4 years. And she's just had a baby. I feel like I know Claire personally, even though she is a complete stranger to me. She writes wonderfully and from the heart. - I love Michael Palin's travels. - gotta check the news in the UK - ditto for Australia - my brother, Kris's girlfriend in Hong Kong. It's interesting to see what she's up to, and I've gotten to know her a bit better through her blog. - I'm shameful but I love hollywood gossip. You didn't know that about me did you? - more of the above. In bad dresses. - dreaming that i'll one day take a photo this good.

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