Monday, June 22, 2009

A Shout Out.... David Cole, who (amazingly) commented on my last post after an absence of so many months. Thank you David for keeping an eye on it! I'm flattered! And I hope you and Ruth will make one when you're travelling - I promise I'll be watching! (And to answer your question, we're still not sure. Can i get back to you?)

I just thought I'd write a list of all the websites I follow, just because it's interesting to know what people look at every couple of days. - I've been reading this for going on 4 years. And she's just had a baby. I feel like I know Claire personally, even though she is a complete stranger to me. She writes wonderfully and from the heart. - I love Michael Palin's travels. - gotta check the news in the UK - ditto for Australia - my brother, Kris's girlfriend in Hong Kong. It's interesting to see what she's up to, and I've gotten to know her a bit better through her blog. - I'm shameful but I love hollywood gossip. You didn't know that about me did you? - more of the above. In bad dresses. - dreaming that i'll one day take a photo this good.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A long absence

Hi Readers

I get the feeling that only Mum and Bev read my blog but I thought I'd get back into it, so that they can keep up with our lives in the UK when we get back over there.

Feels so good to have my visa now - i spent so many weeks (and months) worrying about it. There was the added stress of not knowing whether I would be approved, and what would happen if that occurred... but all the worry was for nothing. I've now got it and that's what matters.

The plan is to leave for the UK in 2 weeks, on the 5th July, go to Thailand for 2 weeks and get to the UK on the 21st July. We'll spend some time at the in-laws house whilst looking for jobs and a house to rent, and then we'll move to Devon and live there for a while.

Tom and I have just celebrated our first anniversary. It's hard to believe a year ago we were leaving for our honeymoon to Turkey. It's wonderful to have him in my life... we make a good team, and we're good for each other, and that's what's important.

So, shortly we'll pack things up again in Australia and move our lives back to the UK. It's exhausting this moving about all the time, and i'm quite excited about just getting back to the UK and sitting still for more than 3 months at a time. I have lovely plans for our home, when we find one. I want a bed with just white linen, and the blue blanket and cushions on the bed. I want a wall with all 72 of our favourite photos from our travels on it. I want to cook for my husband every evening and sit on the couch with a glass of wine dissecting our day at work. I want to have MY things in their spots, and know exactly where that spot is when i look for them!

You people who have this probably take it for granted but I look forward to it with such delight!

Anyway, enough for now. bye