It's been a long time but I haven't really known what to write recently. After all, this was a travel blog and that travel is now over. However, I guess i should continue to update for anyone that likes to keep up with what's going on.
So, the exciting news is that we've booked our UK wedding - it's on the 21st June at 3.30pm, followed directly by the reception in a small town called Ashburton in Devon. I'm pretty excited!!! The ceremony is taking place in this hotel on the edge of Dartmoor (near Haytor - the largest tor on top of a hill in the moor) and it is going to be absolutely lovely!

The plan is to come back to Australia probably in September and have another wedding in October, as the air is getting warmer and the nights are getting longer. What a joy it is to imagine that we get TWO weddings! Lucky us!
So there you have it, all the info for the wedding. If anyone from Oz wants to come over, I'd be more than happy to see you there! But given that we're coming over there to have another one, that party will rock also!
Hope you are all well and happy.
Love Tom and Karen x